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[Event - 5/10/19] LV + Bone County Patrol


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[align=center]Las Venturas + Bone County Patrol [/align]

[align=center]October 5, 2019, 21:00 GMT+2 [/align]


Ran By: Chaossy

Dispatch: TBD


This event will be based around patrolling the Las Venturas/Bone County area. Before I start babbling on, let's clarify which areas "Bone County" falls under. Bone County is officially a jurisdiction consisting of said cities: Fort Carson, Las Payasadas, Valle Ocultado. To visually clarify it, allow me to do the honors:

https://i.imgur.com/12NLdNo.png' alt='IMGUR>'>

The map above is basically the whole of Bone County.

As we always do with events, Discord attendance is REQUIRED in order to hear Dispatch, If you want to be a part of the event, but cannot be on Discord, you will automatically be removed from the event. You don't have to talk at all, hell, you don't even need a microphone. All that is being asked from you is simply to be in the Discord Event voice channel.

All you have to do to take part in the event is simply just to be at the Fort Carson Sheriff's Department HQ at the parking lot and you should be all set. From there, you will be briefed through Discord. After the briefing is done, you will then be released to patrol Bone County.

And as always, these type of events usually last approximately an hour or so, so we don't ask too much of your time.

Hope to see you there,

Advanced Gaming Event Organization Team

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