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[Appeal - #0084] FedEX


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Username: FedEX

Date of ban: Saturday or Sunday

Reason for ban: Because I'm on an emotional outburst wanted to ban myself

Duration of ban: Idk i guess infinite time

Why do you believe you need a second chance: Because this was just a joke. Or maybe because I'm FedEX Co.?

Which administrator banned you: Master After

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A couple of points that I want to go through:

1: It wasn't Master that banned you, it was me

2: You asked for the ban and you should live with the consequences

3: You didn't fill up the 70 word minimum, you're not a special snowflake that gets to ignore the rules of our appeal format

4: You didn't properly bold the text

5: We have 0 tolerance policy for childish behavior which you represented in your sentence which says "Because this was just a joke. Or maybe because I'm FedEX Co.?" as well as in your sentences on Discord yesterday that lead to the ban

6: unknown.png

So in conclusion, you litteraly asked to be banned and you got banned therefore your ban appeal is DENIED and the ban itself will stay as permanent with no ability to appeal it.


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