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[Suggestion] Heal the players


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Suggestion for (MTA, Forum, website): MTA

Suggestion: Recently there were many medical units, so at the time the shots occurred and the players died, they were called, but could not cure them. That is why my suggestion is that medical units can cure players.

Also, I was thinking it would be good if we could choose between a human medical unit or an AI.

Why should this be added?: It would be very useful

Anything else you'd like to add?: Nop


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So you mean player medics would be able to heal players and revive fallen players as well? Either way I support this idea because the AI is unreliable. However, choosing whether to be healed/revived by a player or AI doesn't seem necessary, which ever gets to the victim first should suffice. Sometimes, the player is unreliable too, going AFK for example. In the meantime though, remember the /spawn command is still an option to respawn and get back into the game
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