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[Appeal - #0114] Trapik


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Username: trapik

Date of ban: 6/9/2020

Reason for ban: Spamming repeatedly after 2 warnings

Duration of ban: Perm

Why do you believe you need a second chance: I changed and when I clicked num_1 I got a ban

Which administrator banned you: Console

Additional notes: I am asking for unban, I really like this server and I play a lot on it

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Username: trapik

Date of ban: 6/9/2020

Reason for ban: Spamming repeatedly after 2 warnings

Duration of ban: Perm

Why do you believe you need a second chance: I had binds from another server and forgot to delete them and accidentally sent a few with missclic

Which administrator banned you: Console

Additional notes: I am asking for unban, I really like this server and I play a lot on it


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Ban appeal DECLINED.

Besides the ban being very recent, there is a lack of effort in the appeal.

I will put a 1-month cooldown on your next appeal. One month is more than enough time for you to get your binds sorted.

You can appeal again 13. October 2020.


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