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[Appeal - #0126] Petespi


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Username: Petr Spital (šrek)

Date of ban: 5.11.2021

Reason for ban: Spamming repeatedly binds

Duration of ban: permanent

Why do you believe you need a second chance: I apologize to the whole server.... I got the ban because I Spammed which was a mistake because I had Bind on the E key from Role Play (RP) and I didn't know how to remove it so that's why I unfortunately got the ban ... So please I ask for a Unban. Thank you very much and I apologize for my Bind ...

Which administrator banned you: system

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Ban appeal ACCEPTED.


This is stored in the logs, do not get banned for the same stuff again. You need to figure out how to unbind them, since we won't be accepting appeals if you get banned a second time. This is your last chance.


Give it a few days time before it's processed.

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