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[Suggestion] Add a GUI window for the highest ranked players with commands for each department


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Suggestion for (MTA, Forum, website): MTA

Suggestion: Add a GUI window for the highest ranked players with commands for each department. The commands should only be displayed when a player is near the commander. The commands should be clearly visible.

 Of course, the commands should be voluntary. That means you don't necessarily have to follow them. But everyone can get involved. And of course, just like in chat, the commands should not be spammed. This means that the potential for abuse is not high.

For police officers the commands could be for example:

  •  "Close street"
  • "Arrest suspect"
  • "Tow vehicle"
  • "Call Medic"
  • "Follow me with vehicle"
  • "Follow me on foot"

Firefighter commands could be for example:

  • "Extinguish fire"
  • "Extinguish fire with vehicle"
  •  "Extinguish fire with fire extinguisher" 
  • "Cut car doors"
  •  "Close road"
  • "Follow me with vehicle"
  • "Follow me on foot"
  • "Call Medic"
  • "Drive to the callout"
  • "Drive to fire station"
  • "Repair your vehicle"

Why should this be added?: That would bring more variety. That would give an additional incentive to have a high rank. That would offer more tactical possibilities. It could make operations more organized. 

Anything else you'd like to add?: No

Edited by TomAB
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