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[Suggestion] Add false alarms to the fire callouts


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Suggestion for (MTA, Forum, website): MTA


Suggestion: Add false alarms to the fire callouts. For every fire callout, there should be a 10% chance that it is a false alarm. That means, you reach the yellow dot and get xp like current but there is no fire. Maybe you could add a function that you can or must report it to the central.


Why should this be added?: It would bring in more realism. It would bring more excitement and variety, because you don't know if a fire is waiting for you or not. 


Anything else you'd like to add?: There is already a police callout where there is a certain probability of a car bomb. That means that a callout can take several turns would be nothing new. 

Here is a source on fire department false alarms: https://www.nfpa.org/News-and-Research/Data-research-and-tools/Emergency-Responders/False-alarm-activity-in-the-US

According to this source, in 2012 every twelfth call was a false alarm.

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