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Barricaded Suspect Server Event (Updated with Date)


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So as some of you are aware, I have talked about holding a special "barricaded suspect" type event, where there would be a group of players acting as suspects, holed up in a house in bone county, and a group of players acting as SWAT officers, who's goal it is to apprehend the suspects that are in the building.

As both groups will be given weapons and skins normally not available, it is extremely important, no, a requirement, to screen participants to make sure they are appropriate enough for this event. I need to be 100% certain you will take it seriously, and not just troll or DM. If this event goes well, I may discuss with the higher-ups making it a monthly thing, to bring some variety into the server. Make things more exciting.

As a side note, no EXP will be given for participants in this event, nor any promotions in rank. This is simply for fun, and to see if it is something that can be done in the future again.

Using Discord, and having a working microphone is an absolute MUST, as we do not need to be spamming the chat with stuff related to this event, If you don't have a microphone on your computer, but you have either an android or iphone, you can use the app linked below to do the voice chat. as I'm sure there will be other people playing. In addition, obviously SWAT would want to use it for radio comms, and even trying to communicate with the suspects.

The date planned for this is Wednesday April 26, 2017 at 4:00pm EST (-05:00). I chose this time because it seems for the most part most people who might participate would be awake at that time. If I need to, I can adjust the schedualed time later

If you are interested, please say so in a reply, so I can make a list of people to evaluate to see if they would be a good match.

The following SWAT skin is just a suggestion, it would be cool if the participants would use it, but not mandatory



And here is a lenco bearcat mod you may be interested in using fot this event


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once we get enough participants evaluated I will edit the main post with the time and date. Obviously there are some people who don't need to be evaluated as they've been around for a while and know the ropes, (yourself included). Just wanna get some idea of how many people are interested before I set a date and time
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