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[Appeal - #0023] Oubprox


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Username : Oubprox

Date Of Ban : 13/02/2018

Reason Of Ban : No Reason  :-\

I Was playing , while the administrator Mafia Was banning some boys who were chatting poland or whatever in global chat and i wrote something wrong in global chat , i corrected it in local chat , suddenly im got a ban 7 day -> talk english

here the last chat before i get my ban for no reason + Mafia banned me on discord too cuz i was asking for reason to ban me..

i went to support chat , to ask for my ban reason , i got a ban .. Well Done Mafia i just reached Chief yesterday after long play and loss of time to achieve my dream after that --> ban no reason

Pics : http://prntscr.com/ie8qoe

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First of all, before I proceed with the appeal's decision I'd like to say that I'm extremely disappointed on how you handled the situation and have also placed in some second thoughts in my decision just because of the further steps you took in this. The ban was a honest mistake and after discussing it with Mafia[/member] we both agreed that it was a missed chat and he did not see the local chat, however, you coming to Discord and raging instead of simply just writing a ban appeal here went over the line, as well as your additional reply to the appeal as well. I really don't care if you're going to come back or not after the way you acted but the verdict is as follows:

Your ban appeal has been ACCEPTED even though we don't accept appeals on 7 days as it was obviously a mistake that we missed, in addition to that we apologize for this mistake and have also lifted your Discord ban as well.

Kind regards,

Advanced Gaming Management

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