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Add more cars for EMS

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Suggestion for (MTA, Forum, website): MTA

Suggestion: Add more cars for EMS

Why should this be added?: And in reality there are more ambulances than in the server, you can do more ways for Ambulance! I wouldn't mind. For example, if I'm in EMS in Los Santos, the ambulance writes Los Santos Emergency, if I'm in San Fierro, to write San Fierro Emergency, but on the ambulances I want to be cumori, to depend on the country.

Anything else you'd like to add?: I don't like the look of EMS Emergency, except with a vehicle. Even Police Department have many types of vehicles!

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The only problem is that we have to remove some cars out of the traffic pool to add only for player use like for EMS. You already have the Burrito Ambulance which you can unlock later. Also soon FD is gonna be merged with EMS to replicate the real life LAFD since they have their own ambulances so that'll be enough for your fleet.
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