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[Report - #0007] Jhovin


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Username: DaviLima1

Username of player you are reporting: Jhovin

Date  of offense: 02,February,2017

Which rule(s) did the offender break:  Do not steal other players arrest.

Which punishment do you believe is fair for the offender: Ban

Proof of offender breaking the rule(s) (Video/Screenshots/Logs): http://i64.tinypic.com/14o181v.png

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Username: DaviLima1

Username of player you are reporting: Jhovin

Date  of offense: 02,February,2017

Which rule(s) did the offender break:  Do not steal other players arrest.

Which punishment do you believe is fair for the offender: Ban

Proof of offender breaking the rule(s) (Video/Screenshots/Logs): http://i64.tinypic.com/14o181v.png

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(( Assigned Report # 007 ))

This is just a screenshot of you guys at a Pay n Spray and therefore required proof has been deemed insufficient.

You may appeal this decision within 24 hours if you have additional proof. If nothing additional has been added, this report will be marked Resolved.

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(( Assigned Report # 007 ))

This is just a screenshot of you guys at a Pay n Spray and therefore required proof has been deemed insufficient.

You may appeal this decision within 24 hours if you have additional proof. If nothing additional has been added, this report will be marked Resolved.

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