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[Report - #0302] Martinelos - Stealing civilian vehicles, kill/attack other play

Guest Nikolas

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Guest Nikolas

Username: Thebrocaveyt, Yohnny

Username of player you are reporting: Martinelos

Date  of offense: 16.04.19

Which rule(s) did the offender break: 13) Stealing civilian vehicles is not allowed, 1) Do not kill/attack other players on purpose.

Which punishment do you believe is fair for the offender: Talk to him about it, cadet 1st offense

Proof of offender breaking the rule(s) (Video/Screenshots/Logs): https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/330687183046574082/567817252603166740/mta-screen_2019-04-16_15-13-59.png?width=400&height=225

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