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[Guide] Installing mods using the SAPDFRMods installer


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SAPDFR Mods Installation Guide


What is "SAPDFR Mods?"

"SAPDFR Mods" is a server-sided mod installer which allows you to mod specific elements (vehicles, skins, sounds, etc.) just for the server itself without altering your own game files. In addition to the fact that you can use this method to change mods just for the server itself it is also quick and easy to use and can be done while you're in game as well.


How to use?

First and foremost it is cruical that you find the "SAPDFRMods" folder that's located in your MTA:SA installation folder. To do so, simply find your main MTA:SA installation folder which in most cases is located in "C:/Program Files (x86)/MTA San Andreas 1.5"

Alternatively, if you're unsure where your installation folder is simply open up your MTA:SA client and go into "Settings - Advanced" and look under the "Client resources file" and press on the "Show in explorer" button.


In case you can't find it, here's a screenshot showcasing the button's location:




Once you find your installation folder, simply navigate into "mods/deathmatch/resources" folder and look for the "SAPDFRMods" folder. As you open the folder, simply navigate into the "files" folder where you should find multiple sub-folders each responsible for it's own segment of mods.


The folder should look something like this (please note that this folder won't exist if you haven't joined the SAPDFR: Online server at least once for it to download!)




Installing vehicle mods

To install vehicle mods simply find a mod that you'd like to install (we recommend looking into our vehicle mods forum section if you haven't found one) and simply figure out which vehicle you'd like to replace it with and then rename both of the files to corresponding vehicle if needed (for example, Police LS = copcarla.dff & copcarla.txd)

Once you've placed the files into the folder simply press "numpad1" or use the /resetmods command if you don't have a numpad.

You can find the full list of vehicles & their corresponding names in this forum thread!

Alternatively, you can also use vehicle id in the file name for the vehicle you'd like to replace, for example Police LS is vehicle ID 596 therefore naming the files as 596.dff and 596.txd will work.

IMPORTANT: Make sure to disable "default vehicle shaders" & "default detail shaders" in /settings to avoid your vehicle mods showing as a blank white color!





Installing skin mods

This step is basically the same as installing vehicle mods, simply find the mod you'd like to use and put it into the "skins" folder with the corresponding file name to the original skin name, alternatively you can also use skin ID as file name too.

As an example, if we'd like to replace skin ID 211 (female officer) we can name the files as either "211.dff / 211.txd" or "wfyclot.dff / wfyclot.txd"

For the full list of skin ids & their corresponding name you can use this MTA:SA wiki page.

Once you've placed the files into the folder simply press "numpad1" or use the /resetmods command if you don't have a numpad.


Installing weapon mods

Same as above, simply find the mod you'd like to use for your weapon and insert them into the "weapons" folder. Unlike vehicle & skin mods you need to use weapon names as the weapons you'd like to replace. Don't worry, most if not all of the mods you download for the weapons will already have them properly named.

For example, to change a model for the default pistol we use in SAPDFR which is deagle simply use the "deagle.dff / deagle.txd" file names.

If you'd like to replace the taser model, the weapon that we're using for it by default is the silenced pistol therefore simply use "silenced.dff / silenced.txd" file name.

Once you've placed the files into the folder simply press "numpad1" or use the /resetmods command if you don't have a numpad.


Installing siren sound mods

Installing sound mods is slightly different to the above mentioned mod types.

Basically, if you'd like to install a siren sound mod simply navigate to the "sounds" folder and look into the specific file you'd like to change, the list of sirens and the buttons that activate them are as follows:



PD sirens:

1 - "PDwail"
2 - "PDyelp"
3 - "PDyelp2"
4 - "PDhilo"
5 - "PDhilo2"

FD sirens:

1 - "FDwail"
2 - "FDyelp"
3 - "FDyelp2"


Once you've downloaded the specific sound mod you'd like to use, rename the file to the corresponding file name as listed above and add a "mod_" prefix to it, for example if you'd like to mod "PDwail" name the file as "mod_PDwail" and simply place into the sounds folder and press numpad1 (or use /resetmods) in game to reload the mods and try it out!


Installing weapon sound mods

The process of installing weapon sound mods is similiar to the siren sound mods except in this case you will not find the default weapon sound files inside the folder nor will you have to add a "prefix" to the file name. All you have to do is name the sound file the same as the name of the weapon, for example "deagle" for deagle or "mp5" for MP5.


example of the sounds folder with weapon sound mods



Once you've placed the files into the folder simply press "numpad1" or use the /resetmods command if you don't have a numpad.

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  • Blast3r changed the title to [Guide] Installing mods using the SAPDFRMods installer

Guide updated on August 17 2022:

- Completely rewrote the guide to make it readable with the new forum software as well as added tutorials for the newest features added to SAPDFRMods since the initial creation of the thread.

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