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[Report - #0402] Psdpro, Gamer3257, Jdm324xd, Lordalanlol, Dinarchick - trolling


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Username: Alpaca

Username of player you are reporting: Psdpro, Gamer3257, Jdm324xd, Lordalanlol, Dinarchick

Date  of offense: 02/29/2020

Which rule(s) did the offender break: Attacking other on purpose, deathmatching, ramming, etc.

Which punishment do you believe is fair for the offender: Some sort of ban

Proof of offender breaking the rule(s) (Video/Screenshots/Logs): https://imgur.com/a/OVNDCFA

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Each and every player listed will be banned for 24 hours. Admins please delete their name from the below list once each individual ban has been served.

, Gamer3257, Jdm324xd, Lordalanlol, Dinarchick

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