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[Appeal - #0118] LazyMaster


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Username: LazyMaster (i think)

Date of ban: Exact date is unknown to me, est. time is probably 2-3 years ago.

Reason for ban: Insulting a server helper and trolling (serial ban and my serial is 75E252A6BBD31B1A062E19F7C387D8F4 )

Duration of ban: I think permament because i still can't join.

Why do you believe you need a second chance (50 words minimum): I believe I should be unbanned for many reasons. I do think my behavior was bad 2-3 years ago when I received the ban and I fully admit that the ban reason is a valid one. Although I think it's time for me to get unbanned, I have visibly changed over the course of those 2-3 years and I am a better person, take my word for it. I promise not to do anything similar or break any of the rules again and with this appeal I hope I will be able to return to the server.

Which administrator banned you: Unknown, it was a very long time ago.

Additional notes: My unit number was 2080 and i placed my serial number above so check the ban that way if you can.

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  • 4 weeks later...

First of all apologies for the late response, person that's in charge of ban appeals has became inactive and I forgot to regularily check this section.

Second of all, are you sure you are banned (or did someone unban you inbetween my reply and this appeal?) since I just checked your account and it's not marked as banned.

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  • 4 weeks later...

When I try to join the server with the serial that I noted above, it says im banned with the exact reason which i also stated, so yes i have to be banned somehow


Can you give it another go please? I asked management to take another look and we think you should be good now.

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