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Heal With Food Places


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Suggestion for (MTA, Forum, website): MTA


Suggestion: Be able to visit and purchase food at the various Pizza and Burger places around the map to restore health.


Why should this be added?: Gives more use to these buildings and makes them feel less barren, Also prevents needing to call an ambulance due to NPC's driving over you while in a traffic stop etc.


Anything else you'd like to add?: Adjoined jurisdiction callout's, Callout's that go out to everyone withing a certain county including Sheriff and Police, could spawn in either county or police, promotes better inter-department play.

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Adjoint call outs based on jurisdiction is a no go. We had that before and everyone hated it, we received more complaints than actual positive feedback.

Stores are quite okay, just need to make sure that when a fire breaks out or a robbery takes place that these stores close down for business of course.

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On 3/22/2023 at 12:18 PM, Tosfera said:

Adjoint call outs based on jurisdiction is a no go. We had that before and everyone hated it, we received more complaints than actual positive feedback.

Stores are quite okay, just need to make sure that when a fire breaks out or a robbery takes place that these stores close down for business of course.

What about if you could go 10-8 in an adjoint jurisdiction and receive a callout in that jurisdiction at the usual 30% exp rate, it would just make the adjoint jurisdictions feel more connected than they are right now.

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