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[Bug Report] Major BUG


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Platform: MTA:SA server

Description: Partner with officers will give no EXP when respawning

How to reproduce: Andy & Jack > Andy will use /partner Jack 0 and JACK will use /ap to accept partner ship >> tell ANDY to /spawn >>> Jack will be unable to /ap if ANDY used /partner jack 0 again .. ( ALSO he will get no COOP partner exp while doing that) also do /endpartner then it will end up BUGGED ,you cant accept partner anymore


to fix that tell Jack to reconnect again . i think because Jack's vehicle were destroyed when they became partners


Edited by Kyle911
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On 4/24/2023 at 11:18 AM, Kyle911 said:

Platform: MTA:SA server

Description: Partner with officers will give no EXP when respawning

How to reproduce: Andy & Jack > Andy will use /partner Jack 0 and JACK will use /ap to accept partner ship >> tell ANDY to /spawn >>> Jack will be unable to /ap if ANDY used /partner jack 0 again .. ( ALSO he will get no COOP partner exp while doing that) also do /endpartner then it will end up BUGGED ,you cant accept partner anymore


to fix that tell Jack to reconnect again . i think because Jack's vehicle were destroyed when they became partners


When you respawn the game automatically ends the partnership so try doing the partner command after respawning, Trying to end partnership after the game automatically ended it might also result in being unable to accept further partnerships. Hope this helps.

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Command will not work , if you ended /endpartner or if your partner quit or respawned again

because you have no vehicle spawned 


Its valid bug report as i tested alot , the solution is easy just create the vehicle for second player if the first one respawned or quit or if the second player used /endpartner

this is the solution 

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1 hour ago, Kyle911 said:

Command will not work , if you ended /endpartner or if your partner quit or respawned again

because you have no vehicle spawned 


Its valid bug report as i tested alot , the solution is easy just create the vehicle for second player if the first one respawned or quit or if the second player used /endpartner

this is the solution 

I wasn't saying it's not a valid bug report I'm merely attempting to help you find a workaround. Typically both parties use the /spawn command to return to the station when the vehicle gets destroyed and such so perhaps try having both parties use the /spawn command instead of only 1 person using it. That might potentially help as I've partnered plenty and lost many vehicles and never experienced this issue but I always used the spawn command along with my partner so that could be why.

The suggested solution you give also wouldn't really prove helpful if you aren't getting the co-op xp as that's integral to the mechanic so I'm curious if that's an issue being faced as you said in your report which is why I'm trying to assist you with finding a workaround because that's fundamental to the partner system so finding a workaround is rather important to the game experience especially when I have never encountered this bug in my years of playing, indicating there likely is a workaround.

Edited by Zebronel
Corrected grammar.
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Thats why we dont need to respawn with partner again , because i have some callouts if i did respawn then ill lose the mission if my partner quit or end partner, re creating player vehicle when you finish partner ( Just like /event join  will destroy your vehicle and /event leave  will spawn your vehicle next to you ) so thats what we need to partner end partner or partner quit . player 2 must get his vehicle again

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  • 3 weeks later...

Additionally, following the recent overhaul of department-specific callouts and dispatch, the partner system has experienced significant setbacks. It is remarkable that it continues to function effectively.

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