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[Report - #0042] 2 Players Broke Same Rule

Guest MrCogsmanati

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Username: Waitea12

Username of player you are reporting: User Akers and User Marslex

Date  of offense: 05/25/17

Which rule(s) did the offender break:[/b Killing All Street Brawl Peds for no reason and shooting at ped cars

Which punishment do you believe is fair for the offender: Anything would be fine. They snapped at me saying shit happens and they were both seasoned players that should know the rules by now.

Proof of offender breaking the rule(s) (Video/Screenshots/Logs): http://imgur.com/a/6kSTh

I'd also like to add that something needs to be done as this is my 3rd report in the last 3 days for the same thing. I think something needs to be said or done.

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Marslex has been handled in-game and 500 experience points have been removed.

I have the report against Akers pending as I have some questions for Blast3r reference that (unsure if he is gaining experience since he was not dispatched).

Thank you

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I have the report against Akers pending as I have some questions for Blast3r reference that (unsure if he is gaining experience since he was not dispatched).


Update: Akers did indeed get experience from this as well. He also has another report against him for the same thing, so we'll be removing a total of 1000 experience points.

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