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[Report - #0077] Vladb - DM

Guest MrCogsmanati

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Username of player you are reporting:Vladb

Date  of offense:07/23/2017

Which rule(s) did the offender break:He used his car to flip mine over so mine blew up, he was dming me, killing peds

Which punishment do you believe is fair for the offender:Ban

Proof of offender breaking the rule(s) (Video/Screenshots/Logs):http://i.imgur.com/MhPEd0j.png' alt='IMGUR>'>

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He's shooting at me!!! It's not angle pines, it's dillimore. You can see he's out of his car shooting at me behind the tree. How is this not enough proof to at least prove he's dming me!!!
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Calm down doing this on mobile rather than waiting 4 days to do it on a desktop. Looked like you were on the road that gors northeast from Angel Pine adjacent to the mountain. It's not like it's even doing anything in the first place.

User will be banned 24hrs

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