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[Report - #0008] Junior90


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Username of player you are reporting:Junior90 (and actually david too but i don't have the screenshots of him :C )

Date  of offense: February 5th 2017

Which rule(s) did the offender break:steal civil car, killing another player with blowing up their cars ( no screenshots :C)

Which punishment do you believe is fair for the offender:banned

Here is the screenshots of junior stealing civillian cars :



David is doing it too but sadly i didnt got his screenshots cuz when im chasing him, he runaway and change to his vehicle to make me didnt catch him break rules T_T.

I hope they'll get the punishment soon cuz if they dont, they will keep ruin other player :(

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Username of player you are reporting:Junior90 (and actually david too but i don't have the screenshots of him :C )

Date  of offense: February 5th 2017

Which rule(s) did the offender break:steal civil car, killing another player with blowing up their cars ( no screenshots :C)

Which punishment do you believe is fair for the offender:banned

Here is the screenshots of junior stealing civillian cars :



David is doing it too but sadly i didnt got his screenshots cuz when im chasing him, he runaway and change to his vehicle to make me didnt catch him break rules T_T.

I hope they'll get the punishment soon cuz if they dont, they will keep ruin other player :(

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(( Assigned Report # 008 ))

Operating traffic cars/civilian cars is not against rules.

Reference DM, unfortunately I am not able to act on that since there is no proof, but I will keep an eye out on these players in game.

You have 24 hours to appeal to either myself or upper management with additional evidence or report will be locked/moved. Thank you!

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(( Assigned Report # 008 ))

Operating traffic cars/civilian cars is not against rules.

Reference DM, unfortunately I am not able to act on that since there is no proof, but I will keep an eye out on these players in game.

You have 24 hours to appeal to either myself or upper management with additional evidence or report will be locked/moved. Thank you!

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Oh okay so maybe i'll keep an eye to them too and make sure they dont killing any somebody else and making me frustated XD.

PS :can you making an update on 1.0.8 so other players can't destroy our cars and making it blowed up except the suspect AI and gas station?( cuz the sometimes i didn't see gas station xD) That'll be great and usefull Thx :D

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Oh okay so maybe i'll keep an eye to them too and make sure they dont killing any somebody else and making me frustated XD.

PS :can you making an update on 1.0.8 so other players can't destroy our cars and making it blowed up except the suspect AI and gas station?( cuz the sometimes i didn't see gas station xD) That'll be great and usefull Thx :D

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