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High Risk Stop (Felony Stop) / Detainment options / Pursuit Suggestions


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I've noticed that at the termination of a pursuit, the only way to get the occupants out of the vehicle is to run up to the car and press the "F" key. In real life, that would be a huge officer safety issue. Would it be possible to rework the script so that we are able to perform "high risk" stops on vehicles?

For example, once a vehicle is stopped (at end of pursuit, during a traffic stop, etc...) the player(s) can position their vehicle(s) in a high risk stop formation behind the suspect vehicle. Once stopped, the player can aim their weapon at the suspect car and press the "F" key from behind a point of cover (aka player's vehicle door). This will open up a menu similar to the one you receive when the player is up at the window of a car on a traffic stop. In the window, there could be options for the occupant(s) to walk back to the player's vehicle, much like officers will call a suspect back to them in real life during a high risk stop. This will allow the player to safely detain the occupants of a suspect vehicle, one at a time, without having to rush the car. Also, to control which occupant comes out, the player can select which occupant to interact with in the menu (front driver, rear passenger, etc...)

Pursuit suggestion - you should consider adding in the random chance of the suspect fleeing on foot from the stopped vehicle after it has been stopped. Another idea is to add the chance of a suspect firing on officers from within the suspect vehicle, if officers just rush the vehicle without calling the occupants out (see high risk stop above).

Pursuit updates - I noticed that at the beginning of a pursuit, the unit automatically updates dispatch w/ information about the pursuit. However, you might consider continuing the automatic updates while in the pursuit. For example "Dispatch from 828, suspect vehicle now heading north on sunset blvd in Commerce, speeds 50mph"

Just a few thoughts,

Appreciate the hard work you guys put in!

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Is it possible for peds to walk backwards? I don't think it is, nor do I know if there is an animation that makes the suspect walk with hands up in the air.. I think the animation freezes the player/ped. So the high risk can only be done, if I'm correct, with a normal walking ped walking forward to the cop. Would that do the trick?
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normal walking ped walking forward to the cop. Would that do the trick?


Do you want to get shot? Because Thats how you get shot.

On a serious note, it would probably be nice to have that as an option. If I'm pursuing someone with other cops, I would probably want to rush the driver and subdue him, but for traffic stops involving certain elements (stolen vehicle, RO is 10-99/wanted, etc) it would be nice to have a felony stop option.

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normal walking ped walking forward to the cop. Would that do the trick?


Do you want to get shot? Because Thats how you get shot.

On a serious note, it would probably be nice to have that as an option. If I'm pursuing someone with other cops, I would probably want to rush the driver and subdue him, but for traffic stops involving certain elements (stolen vehicle, RO is 10-99/wanted, etc) it would be nice to have a felony stop option.


The only thing I can suggest is have the ped exit the vehicle, and then do a fallfront animation. Then impliment a restrain command that would simulate cuffing the suspect,and the fallfront would only deactivate when you've successfully restrained the suspect.

I know the restraint commands exist from other mods (not gonna name it here, but Blast3r knows the other mod I play, so he probably knows what I'm talking about, I believe the fallfront animation is a default anim, so thats already there, only thing needed is scripting it all together really

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I don't like the fact that a person drops to the ground to get his ass arrested, only armed suspects are forced on to the ground as far as I know. I'll see if I can set a negative speed for walking to force them backwards, not sure if MTA allows it..
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