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[WIP/REL] Iowa DOT Motor Vehicle Enforcement, Iowa State Patrol packs


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Chances are that this pair will probably sit on the backburner for a few weeks so I can make sure I keep up with school work. Also, I need a 2015+ Tahoe steel rim, which I may have found one but am not entirely sure.

DOWNLOAD: http://www.gtainside.com/en/sanandreas/cars/104972-iowa-state-law-enforcement-pack/


Iowa State Law Enforcement Pack



- Iowa DOT MVE 2013 Chevy Tahoe

- Iowa DOT MVE 2015 Chevy Tahoe

- Iowa State Patrol 2012 Dodge Charger

- Iowa State Patrol 2013 Dodge Charger Unmarked

- Iowa State Patrol 2014 Dodge Charger

- Iowa State Patrol 2014 Ford Explorer

- Iowa State Patrol 2015 Dodge Charger


- Grimm

- ThatOneIowan

- Reckless

- RacingFreak

- Driver SF/Ubisoft

- Bxbugs123

- Tazzzjor

- TraumaPak

- Emergency112

- Forza 4


- gt@Cool

- Boatinman



Vehicle lighting

This vehicle uses an updated version of my previously released vehiclelights128(on), which you can get here: http://imgur.com/a/mPLIQ

This was first released with the London, Ontario Police Department Ford Crown Victoria I made and has not changed since that release.


I intend to update this pack with a few more additional vehicles at some point, but not entirely sure when. Four additional vehicles are planned for Iowa DOT MVE, and one for Iowa State Patrol. More may be added at a later date.

Editing Disclaimer

This modification may have bugs and/or outdated parts as it was made in 2015 and may have not been released. This model is unlocked and free to re-release or edit and release as long as credits are provided. Template provided (if any) may not be correct for model. Templates can be found here: http://imgur.com/a/xIEY1. If you have any questions or if the template is not in the gallery please contact me.


Can be installed via GGMM, IMG Tool 2.0, Alci’s IMG Editor, or another tool designed to edit gta3.img. Occasionally I may accidentally release a modification with two different names for the .dff and .txd. Please contact me and I will let you know the best slot to use as well as correct the download at my earliest convenience.

Handling Information

Vehicles are designed to be used with slots designated in compressed file. Handling lines are not provided.


Images are not included with the download to reduce file size.


I am always open to suggestions but I may not be interested. I primarily focus on vehicles from the United States or generic mods based on US vehicles. Feel free to contact me if you would like to make a suggestion.






http://i.imgur.com/cg7bGgi.jpg' alt='IMGUR>'>

http://i.imgur.com/IG4Zrwb.jpg' alt='IMGUR>'>

http://i.imgur.com/Ip2wh6J.jpg' alt='IMGUR>'>

http://i.imgur.com/BjLigqR.jpg' alt='IMGUR>'>

http://i.imgur.com/lqNKDf4.jpg' alt='IMGUR>'>

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Motor Vehicle Enforcement officers working saturated patrol on I-127 S

http://i.imgur.com/V4FPsP3.jpg' alt='IMGUR>'>

Motor Vehicle Enforcement officers staffing a weigh station in rural Flint County on I-27 W

http://i.imgur.com/QHSVsCS.jpg' alt='IMGUR>'>

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Turned this into a bit more of a project during various chunks of free time...

http://i.imgur.com/NGGCQvg.jpg' alt='IMGUR>'>

http://i.imgur.com/yyKT6jK.jpg' alt='IMGUR>'>

http://i.imgur.com/zHbV3Vx.png' alt='IMGUR>'>

And even a project for my low-end backup laptop...

http://i.imgur.com/h79rdrC.png' alt='IMGUR>'>


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The Chargers look dope, except what's up with the wheels of the one on the right? The unmarked one is outstanding!


Theyre textured instead of modeled because I can't find a model anywhere for those wheels :(

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The Chargers look dope, except what's up with the wheels of the one on the right? The unmarked one is outstanding!


Theyre textured instead of modeled because I can't find a model anywhere for those wheels :(


Awwww :(, it's quite noticable as the entire car is like HD and then suddenly the wheels make you puke lol.

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The Chargers look dope, except what's up with the wheels of the one on the right? The unmarked one is outstanding!


Theyre textured instead of modeled because I can't find a model anywhere for those wheels :(


Awwww :(, it's quite noticable as the entire car is like HD and then suddenly the wheels make you puke lol.


http://i.imgur.com/ounym.gif' alt='IMGUR>'>


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Update 9/28/17

10 additional vehicles are being released

5 vehicles have been updated (bugged grilles have been fixed, some tires have been changed)

Download just the update: https://www.mediafire.com/file/e8uoqddq37lp5sy/Update%201%20%2820170928-1522%29.rar

Download the entire pack: Not yet available


- 2014 Ford Taurus Unmarked (this is identical to the MVE-Ank Taurus I previously released)

- 2014 Dodge Charger Unmarked

- 2015 Ford Taurus

- 2016 Chevy Tahoe Unmarked

- 2016 Ford Explorer Unmarked

State Patrol

- 2010 Chevy Tahoe K-9

- 2011 Dodge Charger

- 2014 Dodge Charger Slicktop

- 2016 Dodge Charger Unmarked

- 2016 Ford Explorer

Credits for additional models... SkylineGTRFreak, M67v, Jasonct203, and Sgt. Goetz

Select pictures below more are available here: https://imgur.com/a/ZcNhS

https://i.imgur.com/QUhPrEp.jpg' alt='IMGUR>'>

https://i.imgur.com/SxLyoZz.jpg' alt='IMGUR>'>

https://i.imgur.com/nApGxs8.jpg' alt='IMGUR>'>

https://i.imgur.com/fEeSR6r.jpg' alt='IMGUR>'>

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