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[Report - #0032] Piruka


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Username: sunwinds

Username of player you are reporting: Piruka

Date  of offense: 07/05/2017 about 18:00 PM (my time)

Which rule(s) did the offender break: Offended me when I asked him why he killed innocents, also spammed global with caps, and was very rude to everybody.

Which punishment do you believe is fair for the offender: Mute, ban.

Proof of offender breaking the rule(s) (Video/Screenshots/Logs):

http://i.imgur.com/EOvHK5t.png' alt='IMGUR>'>

http://i.imgur.com/kIGx0is.png' alt='IMGUR>'>

http://i.imgur.com/XooatYB.png' alt='IMGUR>'>

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