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List of Suggestions to Improve Pursuit AI


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As we all know the pursuit system in the game is well... ok-ish. I just have a few list of suggestions that could help improve this system a bit so the pursuit isnt 100% easy lol

List of ideas I have:

-Improve the pursuit AI so it doesnt crash into wall or other objects and get stuck all the time (if it is possible)

-Add pursuit callouts in different situations so we can have more scenarios and how to realistically deal with them instead of continuously ramming the suspects to death (e.g. Armored truck heist, hostage situation, stolen car, street race in progress, etc.) (again if possible) These suggestions already added

-Have some suspects to shoot at us during a car chase to make this a bit more difficult (again if possible)

-Allow players to purchase spike strips from the vending station and use them in pursuits. This idea was implemented in the older 7Precinct server but was later removed.

Reasons: The current pursuit system is much too boring. There's no challenge in pursuits on how to stop the suspect safely. Adding these suggestions (if possible) would dynamically change the scenario and add some challenge to the players in the game. It will also be great if SWAT scenario is added (again if possible)


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Something tells me that stopsticks should be restricted to players with a supervisory rank (Sergeant+).... and that they should not pop player vehicle's tires...

Also I'm on the fence about shots fired from a fleeing suspect vehicle. I would have to lean no on that mostly because it is very rare, but that would cause players to overreact even more than they already do (again... if that's possible :P)

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Also I'm on the fence about shots fired from a fleeing suspect vehicle. I would have to lean no on that mostly because it is very rare, but that would cause players to overreact even more than they already do (again... if that's possible :P)


True on the overreact part but right now I find it much too easy :P There's no challenge in pursuits really since 99% of the time you either put ur car in front and just stop him like that or just ram the mofo a hundred times before the car explodes in a fireball. And some other times the car drives off the cliff and commits suicide :P When a suspect flees with a gun, police usually keeps a distance and plans their strategy on how to contain the suspect safely as possible. Since at least 20 cop cars tried to ram this same mofo at the same exact time, its just gets messy and rlly theres not much of a teamwork situation :P

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Usually in *any* chase, officers would stay behind the vehicle and follow it unless they are driving incredibly dangerously. The officers in game, though, are an exception. The in game pursuits are fine as they are if you just follow the car and let it run its course.
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We're looking into the AI in general, it's a third party script but it should really need some rewriting. Same for the ELS system, it's seriously bad written and it is no wonder that low end pc's are crashing on that. This will be implemented in the far future of the script.
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  • 2 months later...

Gonna bump this old topic to suggest spike strips since creating a new topic on spikes may just get it locked :P (kill me for bumping an old topic tho).

Suggestion for (MTA, Forum, website): MTA

Suggestion: Use of spike strips for high ranks to help immobilize suspects. Prob make it purchasable at vendors.

Why should this be added?: Spike strips were in present at 7Precinct server and as to my knowledge they worked very well. Since the pursuit AI has been improved by a bit and shooting out a tire with an MP5 is much harder on a fleeing car at high speeds due to some lags, it would be preferable to have spike strips to deploy for 5 - 10 secs before automatically despawning by itself.

Anything else you'd like to add?: N/A


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