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question about the SAPDFR mods folder


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so, I'm just wondering, does the script look for subfolders inside the SAPDFRmods>files>vehicles folder? so like, can I have a folder for a specific vehicle placed inside the vehicles folder, or do I absolutely have to have only the txd and dff files in the SAPDFRmods>files>vehicles directory?

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I've done something similar but with just renaming:




Then if I have more skins to this id I would do:






Those would not be activated.


Never had issues... I think subfolders would work fine as well. Try it.

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Has to be directly in the vehicles directory I'm afraid. What I personally do is create multiple sub folders inside the "vehicles" folder for example for different department mod packs that I use and once I feel like using a different one I just switch the positions of the active mod files & the files from the modpack folder.

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